Client holds new keys to their home

Each of the below programs is integrated with our high-level Enhanced Client Services. This wrap-around program distinguishes itself from traditional case management with an integrated systems approach which allows our outreach team, shelters, Day Center and partner agencies to build rapport and trust with clients and quickly engage them with the King County Regional Homelessness Authority’s Coordinated Entry System in order to move the client as rapidly as possible into permanent housing.

Our Focus

Lake City Partners has three primary drivers:

  1. We align with the lived experience of unsheltered people and also the providers who have decades of experience trying to make progress in this space through
  2. integrated or connected systems
  3. which are data-driven and market-engaged

The goal at LCP is to match services with the demographics of our clients. We’ve adjusted our practices, systems, and policies such that our service delivery outcomes address and reflect the disproportionate impacts of structural racism and racial inequities in the community we serve. The result is our most recent intake data for Aurora Oaks aligning with KCRHA’s recent Point-In-Time demographic count.

Aurora Oaks Exterior

Aurora Oaks Enhanced Shelter
Shoreline, WA

With a 122% annual housing placement rate in 2024, Aurora Oaks Enhanced Shelter offers individuals a greater level of privacy and dignity than a traditional shelter. With private rooms and an extended stay period, Aurora Oaks gives clients space and time to stabilize while our Client Services team assists them with their journey to Permanent Supportive Housing.

GLA Day Center Street View

GLA Day Center
Seattle, WA

A place to just be! With nearly 12,000 visits in 2024, the GLA Day Center warmly welcomes between 300 and 400 individuals per month to come in and cook a meal, take a shower, meet with service providers, and relax from the stress of the street. This coffee-shop like setting combines service delivery and community-building that recognizes the dignity of every guest.

McArdle older woman with white hair leans forward

Senior Women's Shelter Kenmore, WA

*New 2025!* For elder women whose retirement plans did not keep pace with cost-of-living increases, the Kenmore Senior Women’s shelter is a specialized program serving homeless, retirement-age women who are seeking shared housing solutions.

Community Outreach Program

Multiple locations, North King County

The feet-on-the-ground component of our Enhanced Client Services, the Community Outreach Program conducts street outreach and responds to city and partner requests to connect with unhoused residents to begin building the relationship (and filling out the paperwork!) that leads from tent to front door.