Ending Homelessness

One Person at a Time

At Lake City Partners, we end homelessness one person at a time by building individual relationships that accompany people on their journey – from tent to front door.

2 Decades of Experience

For nearly 20 years, Lake City Partners have been providing shelter and supportive services in the North Seattle/King County area. Today, we are part of a network of non-profit providers, funders, and government agencies working to help people exit homelessness and enter housing in a resilient, sustainable way. Our shared approach prioritizes a housing first, low-barrier approach that is data driven and focused on equitable outcomes.

Wide Service Area

The North Seattle King County area has several sub-areas with significant numbers of unhoused people who our programs serve. For example, in the Lake City business district our Day Center serves a 30 day rolling population of over 350 people and our North County Outreach program serves a population of over 500 individuals located in the Shoreline, Kenmore, Northeast Seattle area.

Sustainable, Resilient, Welcoming

Our work ends homelessness – one person at a time – and we do that by helping people gain access to housing  through our Shelter and Client Services programs in a way that is resilient and sustainable.

If you need help with housing, or would like to help people become housed, we welcome you.

A New Home Attained

K Story

First New Places Happy Faces of 2025! K is an example of how the journey to housing can be long and challenging, but at Lake City Partners we stick with people from tent to front door.Three years ago, K made contact with LCP. She had not had shelter since her husband passed in 2014 and […]